
97年的呢。 教育常识评论81字数 2112阅读模式

  In foreign affairs, park office may seek dialogue with North Korea, on the South Korea-US alliance at the same time, will also further deepen friendly cooperative relations with china。

  Pu Jinhui said he would "promote the unification of the north and South" as the core of its foreign and security policy。She said she would unite all national strength, strengthen cooperation with the international community, to achieve a uniform made substantial preparation。文章源自玩技e族-https://www.playezu.com/191667.html

  Pu Jinhui is willing to work with North Korean leader meeting between North and south, through a substantive dialogue, easing military confrontation, and hope that the resumption of the six party talks。文章源自玩技e族-https://www.playezu.com/191667.html

  Pu Jinhui also promised after the election in Seoul and Pyongyang respectively set up exchanges between the South and North office。文章源自玩技e族-https://www.playezu.com/191667.html

  Pu Jinhui said during the campaign, will further the development of the South Korea-US alliance。On this basis, with China and Russia and other neighboring powers to maintain friendly relations, and further strengthen the security measures。文章源自玩技e族-https://www.playezu.com/191667.html

  She also placed particular emphasis, in order to promote the economy of South Korea, to further strengthen cooperation with China, promote the development of trade between China and South Korea。文章源自玩技e族-https://www.playezu.com/191667.html

  In foreign affairs, park office may seek dialogue with North Korea, on the South Korea-US alliance at the same time, will also further deepen friendly cooperative relations with china。文章源自玩技e族-https://www.playezu.com/191667.html

  Pu Jinhui said he would "promote the unification of the north and South" as the core of its foreign and security policy。She said she would unite all national strength, strengthen cooperation with the international community, to achieve a uniform made substantial preparation。文章源自玩技e族-https://www.playezu.com/191667.html

  Pu Jinhui is willing to work with North Korean leader meeting between North and south, through a substantive dialogue, easing military confrontation, and hope that the resumption of the six party talks。文章源自玩技e族-https://www.playezu.com/191667.html

  Pu Jinhui also promised after the election in Seoul and Pyongyang respectively set up exchanges between the South and North office。文章源自玩技e族-https://www.playezu.com/191667.html

  Pu Jinhui said during the campaign, will further the development of the South Korea-US alliance。On this basis, with China and Russia and other neighboring powers to maintain friendly relations, and further strengthen the security measures。文章源自玩技e族-https://www.playezu.com/191667.html

  She also placed particular emphasis, in order to promote the economy of South Korea, to further strengthen cooperation with China, promote the development of trade between China and South Korea。


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